Automatic Truck Loading and Unloading

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Production lines and warehouses often need to load and unload pallets from trucks. Automatic truck loading enables automating this process, with all the advantages it entails.

Brolla manufactures truck loading and unloading systems that sort pallets for loading them in rows of thress-point pallets or with two side pallets.

For the unloading process, Brolla has developed an agile system that allows unloading a trailer in three minutes and separating the pallets into units in 10 minutes.

We serve well-known customers around the world

Technical specifications

  • Capacity to handle up to 200 pallets/hour.
  • Weight control of the load.
  • Ability to work with both European and American pallets in the same truck.
  • Load and unload a trailer in 3 minutes.
  • Separation of pallets in 10 minutes.

How does Brolla work?


Fordern Sie Informationen bei einem unserer Berater an.


Individuelles Konzeptdesign und Investitionsschätzung


Herstellung des Palettiersystems basierend auf Ihren Bedürfnissen.


Umsetzung und Installation des schlüsselfertigen Systems.

Real cases


Polígon industrial La Borda
C/ Les Borges Blanques s/n
08140 Caldes de Montbui
Barcelona Spain


[email protected]
Tel. 93 566 09 49


Montag bis Freitag von 8:00 - 17:00 Uhr

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